Mobile apps

for your Active Enjoyment


Manual iPhone

Social Upload

This is the Upload to Social Media report page. 

You can disable this feature by setting “Upload to: No”  in the Settings page.


Name: from settings, can be edited

Activity: according to the speed, can be edited. 

Comment: enter anything

After editing these fields you will have to press the Refresh button.


Kcal are a detail you can leave in or take out of the report.  - in front means out.  Just press to change.


Graph and Map button takes you to the full page graph or map (Pro only)

There is small samples of these graphs and maps at the bottom of the page. The full page graph and map gives you more details and options (also accessible via the main page Results button)


Manual brings you to this page of the manual.

Cancel brings you back to the main page.

Post to Facebook  will upload the text to your Facebook page.


First time you upload you will have to login to your Facebook page.

After that you might get a page that requests you to let your copy of ActionReporter post on your behalf.


Social Upload can only be accessed  at the end of a session, no historic uploads.  That way we keep the data fresh.  When you have run that marathon, report your achievement instantly.


