Mobile apps

for your Active Enjoyment


 Manual Windows

Main Page

Here you see the main page / info display.  It tells you:


Just under the tile it will normally  display a Welcome and your chosen display name.  This will also tell you about any connection issues regarding the download of initial info  from the site.


No of Own Events: Number of events you have created.


No of Invites: Number of invites to events others have sent you


No of Public Events: Number of open/public events available.


No of Messages Number of notifications for you about sample; events that you have been invited to and/or joined, that has been cancelled.


The numbers are written on buttons that brings you to a more detailed list.

Alternatively you can use the dedicated buttons at the bottom of the page. 

Here you will also find the button for creating a new event and to go to the manual on



If the number of Public Events is showing 0 (takes a few seconds to update), either it is not connecting to the web, you didn’t register or your registration failed. 



